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Shoptostop is a well established online retailers of E Cigarettes, Vaping devices, Vape Kits, refillable vape pods, and E Liquids / E Juice in the UK. From well known and popular hardware brands such as SMOK, Aspire, Innokin, Kangertech and Vaporesso, through to world renowned E Liquid brands such as Vampire Vape, DOUBLE DRIP Coil Sauce, Doozy, Glad Basix, Zeus Juice by Paul Curtis, Hangsen and IVG E Liquid.

All our E Liquids are TPD compliant and are strictly controlled by batch traceability and proof of testing. ShoptoStop offer a dedicated commitment to providing quality and safety, with independent quality control procedures and testing in place. Our prices are designed to be competitive, whilst we strive to offer superb customer service and fast dispatch. Furthermore, all our products are authorised under the TPD.

We are proud of the service we deliver to our customers. We dispatch orders on the same working day if you order before 2pm. We use First Class delivery in the UK and delivery is FREE ON EVERYTHING! We're always here to answer any vaping queries; you can contact our customer support team via telephone, live chat or email.

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