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Vape coils, or atomiser heads, are small devices that fit into your tank or clearomizer. They are the part of the E Cig that heats up your E Liquid when the battery is activated. Coils are replaceable and are made up of a heating element usually in the form of a coiled wire and wicking material to carry the E Liquid, commonly cotton.

E Cig coils are usually referred to by their ohm rating. The ohm rating shows how resistant a coil is to electrical current flowing through it. Sub ohm coils have a rating of less than 1 ohm for example. Resistance in the coil changes the way your atomiser will vape, with lower ohm coils offering warmer vapour and often more dense vapour clouds, leading to more intense flavours.

Very low resistance coils are best used with High VG E Liquid, whereas regular ohm coils are best with 50/50 PG/VG or High PG E Liquids.

Atomiser coils are designed to be replaced regularly but it’s difficult to give exact time scales as they way they are used changes the lifespan of a coil. It’s something you will learn to recognise as you vape. Heavy vapers will need to replace the coil more often than people who vape less.

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Aspire Flexus Coils - 5 P...

Aspire Flexus Coils - 5 P...


Aspire Flexus Coils - Replacement coils compatible with the Aspire Flexus Pod Device.Package Content 5 x 1.0ohm Mesh Aspire Flexus Coils ..

Aspire Flexus Pro Replace...

Aspire Flexus Pro Replace...


Aspire Flexus Pro Replacement Pod - Replacement pod compatible with the Aspire Flexus Pro Kit.Package Content 1 x Aspire Flexus Pro Replacement Pod..

Aspire Flexus Pro Replace...

Aspire Flexus Pro Replace...


Aspire Flexus Pro Replacement Pod - Replacement pod compatible with the Aspire Flexus Pro Kit.Package Content 2 x 0.6ohm Aspire Flexus Pro Replacement Pods..

Aspire Flexus Pro Replace...

Aspire Flexus Pro Replace...


Aspire Flexus Pro Replacement Pod - Replacement pod compatible with the Aspire Flexus Pro Kit.Package Content 2 x 1.0ohm Aspire Flexus Pro Replacement Pod..

Aspire Flexus Q Replaceme...

Aspire Flexus Q Replaceme...


Aspire Flexus Q Replacement Pod -  Replacement pod compatible with the Aspire Flexus Vape KitPackage Content 1 x Aspire Flexus Q Replacement Pod..

Aspire Gotek X Replacemen...

Aspire Gotek X Replacemen...


Aspire Gotek X Replacement Pod - Replacement pods compatible with the Aspire Gotek X pod device.Package Content 2 x o.8ohm Aspire Gotek X Replacement Pods..

Aspire Minican Plus Pods ...

Aspire Minican Plus Pods ...


Aspire Minican Plus Pods - 2ml Refillable pods compatible with the Aspire Minican Pod and Minican + Pod Kits.Package Content 2 x 0.8ohm Aspire Minican Plus Pods..

Aspire Minican Plus Pods ...

Aspire Minican Plus Pods ...


Aspire Minican Plus Pods - Replacement Pods compatible with the Aspire Minican Plus Pod Kit.Package Contents -2 x  1.2ohm Aspire Plus Pods..

Aspire Nautilus AIO Nic S...

Aspire Nautilus AIO Nic S...


Aspire Nautilus AIO Nic Salt Coils - Replacement coils for use with Aspire Nautilus AIO pod kit.Package Contents5 Aspire Nautilus AIO Nic Salt Coils 1.8ohm 20 In an Outer Box..

Aspire Nautilus BVC Coils...

Aspire Nautilus BVC Coils...


Aspire Nautilus BVC Coils - Replacement coils compatible with the Aspire Nautilus and Nautilus 2 tanks.Package Contents5 Aspire Nautilus BVC Coils 0.4ohm 20 In an Outer Box..

Aspire Nautilus BVC Coils...

Aspire Nautilus BVC Coils...


Aspire Nautilus BVC Coils - Replacement coils compatible with the Aspire Nautilus and Nautilus 2 tanks.Package Contents5 Aspire Nautilus BVC Coils 0.7ohm 20 In an Outer Box..

Aspire Nautilus BVC Coils...

Aspire Nautilus BVC Coils...


Aspire Nautilus BVC Coils - Replacement coils compatible with the Aspire Nautilus and Nautilus 2 tanks.Package Contents5 Aspire Nautilus BVC Coils 1.6ohm 20 In an Outer Box..

Showing 13 to 24 of 318 (27 Pages)

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